hey, I'm rejoan 👋

I am a full stack developer with a passion for developing quality software. My commitment extends beyond the code, with a profound passion for addressing social impact and global challenges. In the past, I have developed and deployed robust and scalable web applications using HTML, CSS, Typescript, and various frameworks, such as React, Next JS, and React Native.

Rejoan Ahmed

Tech stack I really enjoy

Firebase Logo

I possess an insatiable appetite for staying abreast of cutting-edge technologies. Over the course of my professional journey, I've artfully navigated through a diverse spectrum of technological landscapes. Behold, a curated selection of my tech dalliances:

  • Framework

    I love the simplicity and ease of developing and deploying a FullStack product with Next JS. I have also worked with React Router and Framer Motion for animations. Other than that, I have tried out Vue JS and Svelte.

  • Language

    I prefer the type safety and the ability to write cleaner code with Typescript than Javascript. I am also familiar with Python and Java.

  • Databases

    I have completed a handful of projects with Firebase and PostgreSQL. I am also familiar with MongoDB, PlanetScale and Redis. I have done some side projects that use Elasticsearch and Algolia as well.

What I'm up to

I am currently working as a full-stack software engineer at KY & Company. I am also working on a personal side-project about developing mobile applications using React Native and Expo.